- 绝缘材料介质损耗测试仪推荐
- 绝缘材料介质损耗测试仪推荐
绝缘材料介质损耗测试仪推荐满足标准:GBT 1409-2006 测量电气绝缘材料在工频、音频、高频 下电容率和介质损耗因数的推荐方法。
高频介质损耗测试系统由S916测试装置(夹具)、GDAT型高频Q表、数据采集和tanδ自动测量控件(装入GDAT)、及LKI-1型电感器组成,它依据国标GB/T 1409-2006、美标ASTM D150以及电工委员会IEC60250的规定设计制作。系统提供了绝缘材料的高频介质损耗角正切值(tanδ)和介电常数(ε)自动测量的*解决方案。
2、基于串联谐振原理的《GDAT高频Q表》是测试系统的二次仪表,其数码化主调电容器的创新设计代表了行业的zui高成就,随之带来了频率、电容双扫描GDAT的全新搜索功能。该表具有*人机界面,采用LCD液晶屏显示各测量因子:Q值、电感L、主调电容器C、测试频率F、谐振趋势指针等。高频信源采用直接数字合成,测试频率10KHz-60MH或200KHz-160MHz,频率精度高达1×10-6。国标GB/T 1409-2006规定了用Q表法来测定电工材料高频介质损耗角正切值(tanδ)和介电常数(ε),把被测材料作为平板电容的介质,与辅助电感等构成串联谐振因子引入Q表的测试回路,以获取zui高的测试灵敏度。因而Q表法的测试结果更真实地反映了介质在高频工作状态下的特征。GDAT高频Q表的全数字化界面和微机控制使读数清晰稳定、操作简便。操作者能在任意点频率或电容值的条件下检测Q值甚至tanδ,无须关注量程和换算,*摒弃了传统Q表依赖面板上印制的辅助表格操作的落后状况,它无疑是电工材料高频介质损耗角正切值(tanδ)和介电常数(ε)测量的理想工具。
3、数据采集和tanδ自动测量控件(装入GDAT),实现了数据采集、数据分析和计算的微处理化,tanδ 测量结果的获得无须繁琐的人工处理,因而提高了数据的精确度和测量的同一性,是人工读值和人工计算*的。
BH916测试装置 GDAT高频Q表
平板电容极片 Φ50mm 可选频率范围20KHz-60MHz、
间距可调范围≥15mm 频率指示误差3×10-5±1个字
夹具插头间距25mm±0.01mm 主电容调节范围30-500
测微杆分辨率0.001mm 主调电容误差<1%或1pF
夹具损耗角正切值≦4×10-4 (1MHz) Q测试范围2~1023
高配Q表 一只
试验电极 一只 (c类)
电感 一套(9只)
电源线 一条
说明书 一份
合格证 一份
保修卡 一份
Dielectric loss and dielectric constant are various electrical porcelain, porcelain, such as ceramic capacitor, and an important composite materials
Physical properties, by measuring dielectric loss Angle tangent tan delta and dielectric constant (epsilon), can further understand the effect of dielectric loss
And the dielectric constant of various factors, provide a basis for improving the performance of the material; The basic principle of instrument is using the high frequency resonance method,
And offers a general, multi-purpose, multiscale impedance test. It in a single chip computer as the instrument control, measurement of core
Digital lock with the frequency, standard frequency test point set automatically, resonance point automatic search, Q value range automatic conversion, numerical values
Display new technology, such as improved tuning loop, the tuning test circuit minimizes the residual inductance, and keep the original Q meter
In automatic steady amplitude etc technology, makes the new instrument when use more convenient, more precise measurement values. At higher test instrument
Frequency under the condition of measuring the high frequency inductive or Q value of resonance loop inductance and distributed capacitance of inductance and capacitor of the power
Capacity and loss tangent value, electrical material of dielectric loss at high frequency, high frequency circuit effectively in parallel and series resistance, of a transmission line
The characteristic impedance, etc.
The equipment is used for scientific research organs, schools, factories and other units on the properties of inorganic nonmetal materials applied research.